Continue with the Tales from Across the River of Souls in a Dirge for the Lord Marshal

It is strange how a simple story can carry you beyond what you first imagined. When I wrote The River of Souls, it was a simple story, a novella, that inspired me to combine a fantasy story with poetry. It was a novel idea, especially for someone like me, and it got my foot in the door with Curious Corvid Publishing. For that I will forever be grateful. I have not dabbled in poetry since high school, and I can honestly say I was not very good at it. Thank goodness for the poets I work with today to add to my fantasy writings.

But this story would not let me go. I loved the romance between Malcolm and Alyssa. Their love affair touched me more than the couples I created through my writings. I consider them soulmates, two people brought together from across the universe, a love in perfect harmony. I find myself akin to it, having been married to my beautiful wife for 40 years. She is my soulmate and gives me consistent inspiration within my writings.

My first journey into Tales from Across the River of Souls was A Mother’s Love—A River of Souls Story, and now the story continues in Dirge for the Lord Marshal—A River of Souls Story. This next foray includes a poem from my fellow Curious Corvid author, Aimee Nicole. The story revolves around the death of Sir Aleister Cornwall, Lord Marshal of Fairhaven, and the search for a replacement. It also introduces a terrorist group within Fawleen trying to rekindle the Endless War.

Click on my Short Stories link and follow it to read all the Tales from Across the River of Souls. And yes, there will be more to come.

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Mark Piggott is an award-winning independent author of several fantasy/steampunk novels and short stories. A 23-year U.S. Navy veteran, his stories will take you from the shores of eternal Avalon to a dystopian steampunk future and other fantastic worlds as he weaves through a myriad of flights of fancy in his tales.

The Forever Avalon fantasy book series—including Forever Avalon, The Dark Tides, and The Outlander War—are available online at Amazon and other booksellers. His fantasy steampunk novel, The Last Magus: A Clockwork Heart, is available through Lulu and other booksellers.

Cross over The River of Souls in a fantasy novella, take flight in the steampunk historical fiction, Corsair and the Sky Pirates, and the saga continues in The Last Magus: Dragonfire and Steel from Curious Corvid Publishing. His first YA fantasy, Gwen Iver and Pendragon’s Puzzle, and The Prometheus Engine: Book Four of the Forever Avalon Series are coming soon from Curious Corvid. Stay tuned for new fantastic stories from the imagination of Mark Piggott.

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